What is Your Taste of Death in 2020?

4 min readMay 5, 2020


No one here gets out, ALIVE!! And this brings all of us to the concept of Death.

Have you ever wondered what death is?


Neither did I. But, you know, this coronavirus thing…

Daily COVID-19 related incidents being shown up on news channels, those ineluctable pandemic-about-discussions at home, and this inescapable lockdown have made me scratch my head over these all long sleepy days and sleepless nights.

Since my birth, I had always imagined death to be a process or an altogether different kind of life, that initiates with the end of life on earth and goes onto somewhere else. My school, teachers, my parents, Bhagavad Gita, everyone has taught me about death being the conclusion of life on earth.

But, it was ALL WRONG. Or perhaps incomplete!

Death is not merely what we have been taught by those myriads of religious books.

Indeed, its understanding lies beyond the scope of many of us. What we have always called death, is simply an annihilation of the untrustworthy body that our soul carried off.


Death is what we are witnessing NOW. Probably, it existed even before; but at present, it is visible just like the Himalayas can be seen from Uttar Pradesh; those Himalayas, which were standing proudly for thousands of years but became conspicuous now only.

Though many similarities seem to be observed between Death and Himalayas, yet there is an ironic difference that lies many fathoms beneath the notion of death.

This DEATH fails to be a MATTER OF PRIDE!!

This DEATH is not of those innumerable victims of COVID-19 but of those, who, though living, have brutally stifled their soul, their principles just for the sake of power, money, and their unquenchable hunger to benefit themselves.

Many a politician, administrator escaping their duties and sitting unruffled at home amid the times of this fatal crisis is disheartening, and at the same time, deceitful to the people who once elected them for the hope of ‘Acche din’.

Some leaders who rallied every day before this pandemic are nowhere to be seen at present.

Perhaps, they have not read Dante Alighieri and if they have, then they might have forgotten that line…

Day after day, violence and chaos erupting in different parts of the country have put many of us to shame. Even the leaders who fought for our independence, if looking at us from heaven, must be regretting their decision after seeing such an intolerant population like us.

And to add insult to injury, there are our well-dignified News Anchors who are leaving no stone unturned to communalise these events. This is just another reason for India slipping two ranks in Press Freedom Index.

And this wasn’t enough at all, when there is our Government which is trying to make their fortune by charging fares to migrant labourers. This is no less than a non-washable dark stain spilled over the character of Indian Administration.

Here is the link of that news, if you don’t have faith on me!!


These casualties amid this holocaust don’t end here at all.

The list still goes on…

There are many people in our country who have indulged in black marketing just for adding some more pennies to their pockets. Groceries’ prices have faced a hike in recent days. Petrol prices have increased, even though crude oil prices have fallen to a record low.

There have been cases of mass hoarding of masks when they are required most to people. Life has been given a price tag by these financial gainers. Shame!!

Today, while most of the doctors are doing their jobs philanthropically, there are some merchants, black-marketing experts who are making it extremely difficult for the doctors to avail with PPEs and N95 masks at a decent price.

Stones pelted upon medical practitioners by the people shows signs of an unwanted parallel world amid this plague.

Isn’t it despicable that we are killing those who are trying to save us?

Doctors, cops attacked in Moradabad!

Remember! These doctors are those warriors who comprise all the capabilities that we are required to save ourselves from COVID-19. Many of these combatants have already sacrificed their lives and no doubt, many others will, if the need arises.

We all know that Death is certain. And one day or another, it will come. But still, we have the choice: WHICH DEATH DO WE WANT?

Whether we want a death like those of corona warriors, by helping people, by providing food to the needy or whether we want to die like those unscrupulous persons, who, though living, have already died.




Written by SaGaVoices

A proud Indian, a fortuitous IITian and an erratic writer...

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